Hotel Fiesta Versalles

Learn about all the services we have for you.

Breakfast Service

Hours: 8:00 am – 11:00 am


(Complimentary Coffee)

Free Wireless Internet

Wake-up Service

Taxi Service at the door

Tourist information

Free private parking

Parking for 2 buses

Medical emergency service

Hotel Fiesta Versalles

Hotel Fiesta Versalles is a traditional family-run hotel in the city of Monterrey, N.L., offering lodging services since 1990.

We have 47 fully equipped rooms for your comfort.

Our main objective is to give our clients the best service and offer them a place for their work meetings and relaxation.

We are located in the center of Monterrey, a few blocks from the Macroplaza. Plaza.

Our rates are validated by the Mexican Hotel Association of Nuevo León.